
为了实现 "亮度" 赖特办公桌的特点,以及允许桌面高度可调,,en,这些可更换的块可以使台式机的高度变化六英寸,,en,允许桌面抬起供成人使用,,en,这些块还将台式机与机柜分开,以结合Wright设计的开放空间,,en, 我的设计采用可更换的模块支持桌面.

These replaceable blocks can vary the desktop's height by six inches, allowing the desktop to be raised for adult use. The blocks also separate the desktop from the cabinet to incorporate the open space aspect of the Wright design.

October 11th, 2010 发布者 乔恩Jaroker 提起: 设计

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