多少 (舔) 家庭历史

This site contains stories and information about Abram and Hasiah Kolik and their children, Fannie, Sarah, Betty, Hannah, Boris and Nochim.

The website was created to capture and preserve stories about the Kolik family, which some family members call the Kulik family. It is written for the benefit of the fourth-generation Kolik descendants to give them a personal perspective on historical events such as the Russian Revolution and World Wars I and II.

The website can be found at http://findfollow.com. Access is restricted to friends and family.

Internet Beacon

Public stories are available here: http://findfollow.com/blog/project/kolik-family-beacon/

Feige Kolik - Fannie Kulick - Fannie Hofstein

Sailing on the steamship George Washington from the German port of Bremen, eighteen year old Feige Kolik arrived alone in New York on the 8th of June 1914. Ellis Island immigration officials recorded Abram Kolik from “Yurevics, Minsk” as her nearest relative, dressmaker as her occupation and uncle Yosself Atlas of 156_ Street New York as her American host.

Feige’s timing was good. World War I started on 28 七月 1914. Feige arrived a few months before transatlantic commercial services from Germany stopped. Her ship, the SS George Washington, was at its Hoboken NJ terminal when war started and remained there until seized by the United States upon its entry into World War I in April 1917.

United States Immigration - Ship Manifest

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