
木偶是一个IT配置和管理工具,让我来管理 100 physical and virtual computing systems single-handedly. If I am careless, 它也让我彻底摧毁这些系统在眨眼.

为了安全地获得利益的傀儡的规模和范围, 我用特殊的工作流程, 开发环境, 举办​​环境和自动化系统.

My Puppet development workflow includes text editors and virtual servers that spread across multiple monitors and organized on separate desktops. Setting up and shutting down this type of environment can take at least five minutes, but it allows for fast and efficient Puppet development once the environment is operating. These series of posts describe how I use Puppet to simplify the operations tasks required by my software development project and team.


See also the 木偶配置管理服务器开通 资源页面.

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