다중 모니터 간 인형극 개발 확산
다중 모니터 꼭두각시 인프라를 허용, 역할, 매니페스트 및 데이터 파일은 다른 쉘 윈도우와 파일 관리자와 나란히 볼 수 있도록.
인형 파일과 시스템의 많은 감안할 때, it is incredibly convenient to arrange different windows across multiple monitors. I built a special purpose workstation to achieve this type of productivity. Multiple monitors allows me to move between writing code, applying changes on a local virtual server and checking for Puppet error messages. During a normal development session, I would do this almost one hundred times and can immediately spot errors and make improvements.
An example development environment is shown below. Click the maximize button to see how the different windows are spread across the four monitors.
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